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STMicroelectronics |
EVALUATION KIT. Power Management IC Development Tools Evaluation board for L99PM62GXP and L99PM72GXP |
1225ცალი საფონდო |
STMicroelectronics |
BOARD EVAL FOR L6474. Power Management IC Development Tools L6474PD 7.0A w/SPI dSPIN 8 to 45V EVAL |
1495ცალი საფონდო |
STMicroelectronics |
EVAL BOARD FOR L6562A. Power Management IC Development Tools 80 W high performance transition mode PFC evaluation board based on L6562A |
1699ცალი საფონდო |
STMicroelectronics |
BOARD EVAL LIGHTING L6569. Power Management IC Development Tools EVAL BOARD FOR L6569 |
6693ცალი საფონდო |
STMicroelectronics |
EVAL BD STHV800 ULTRASOUND PULSE. Power Management IC Development Tools Cost effective ultrasound pulser IC evaluation board based on the STHV800 |
746ცალი საფონდო |
STMicroelectronics |
3182ცალი საფონდო |
STMicroelectronics |
EVAL BOARD FOR STGIB15CH60TS-L. Power Management IC Development Tools 1500 W motor control power board based on STGIB15CH60TS-L SLLIMM 2nd series IPM |
1268ცალი საფონდო |
STMicroelectronics |
1411ცალი საფონდო |
STMicroelectronics |
MINI DRONE KIT WITH FLIGHT CONTR. Development Boards & Kits - ARM Mini drone kit with flight controller unit, motors, propellers, frame and battery |
1870ცალი საფონდო |
STMicroelectronics |
MICROPHONE COUPON BRD MP34DB02. Daughter Cards & OEM Boards Microphone coupon board based on the MP34DB02 digital MEMS microphone |
2137ცალი საფონდო |
STMicroelectronics |
MOTOR CONTROL POWER BOARD BASED. Power Management IC Development Tools 60 W motor control power board based on STIPN1M50T-H SLLIMMnano IPM MOSFET |
1289ცალი საფონდო |
STMicroelectronics |
711ცალი საფონდო |
STMicroelectronics |
5 KW LOW VOLTAGE HIGH CURRENT IN. Power Management IC Development Tools 5 kW low voltage high current inverter for industrial motor control applications |
261ცალი საფონდო |
STMicroelectronics |
AEKD-USBTYPEC1. Interface Development Tools USB Type-C and USB Power Delivery evaluation kit based on the automotive grade SPC58 MCU and AutoDevKit development initiative |
403ცალი საფონდო |
STMicroelectronics |
BOARD DEMO LV STM32F303 L6230. Power Management IC Development Tools Compact, low-voltage dual motor control evaluation board based on the STM32F303CC and L6230 |
623ცალი საფონდო |
STMicroelectronics |
EVALUATION BOARD OF LCP154DJF. Other Development Tools LCP154DJF board to validate lightning protection for SLIC transceivers |
2077ცალი საფონდო |
STMicroelectronics |
EVAL BOARD FOR L6474. Power Management IC Development Tools Evaluation board for 3D printer |
786ცალი საფონდო |
STMicroelectronics |
BOARD EVAL ARDUINO DVR SHIELD. Power Management IC Development Tools Dual VNH5019 Motor Driver Shield for Arduino |
1246ცალი საფონდო |
STMicroelectronics |
EVAL BOARD FOR L6228Q. Power Management IC Development Tools EVAL BOARD L6228Q |
1870ცალი საფონდო |
STMicroelectronics |
BOARD EVAL FOR VND5E050AJ. Power Management IC Development Tools VND5E050AJ Eval Brd VIPower MO-5 BRD |
7812ცალი საფონდო |